Best Way to Clean Stainless Steel Sinks: A Comprehensive Guide


best way to clean stainless steel sink

Stainless steel has become one of the most popular materials for kitchen sinks, appliances and more! This is no wonder, considering stainless steel is built to withstand heavy use in a residential or commercial kitchen. Still, just like any type of sink, stainless steel requires some maintenance to preserve its pristine appearance. If you’re looking for the best way to clean stainless steel sinks, Cosmos SurfacesTM is here to provide a handy tutorial!

Best Way to Clean Stainless Steel Sink: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Everyday Cleaning – Cleaning your stainless steel sink often is the best way to keep it in superb condition. For routine cleaning, gently scrub your sink using a damp microfiber cloth or gentle sponge and a small amount of dish soap. Thoroughly rinse the sink with hot water, and wipe dry with a clean towel for a streak-free shine.
  • Grime & Stain Removal – Over time, grime and debris may build up on the sides and bottom of your stainless steel sink. With regular everyday cleaning, this shouldn’t be a problem very often. The best way to clean stainless steel sinks with stuck-on grime and stubborn stains? Create a gentle yet effective cleaning solution by sprinkling a bit of baking soda all over your damp sink. Then, scrub away using a damp sponge or cloth, focusing on any spots that are grimy or discolored. You may also want to add a few squeezes of lemon juice to get your sink extra fresh and shiny. Once again, be sure to rinse and dry completely to avoid water marks.
  • Scratch Buffing – Although stainless steel sinks are very resilient, scratches can happen. Luckily, it’s simple to buff them out using mineral oil. Add a few drops to a clean cloth and rub along the sink’s grain (the direction the lines are going). Once you’re satisfied with the appearance, wipe dry with a clean cloth to remove any excess oil and reveal a revitalized sink.

As you can see, it’s simple to care for a stainless steel sink using just a few basic household supplies.

Explore Stainless Steel Sinks for Your Project at Cosmos SurfacesTM

Now that you know the best way to clean stainless steel sinks, perhaps you’re thinking of replacing your current sink with one of these beautiful, highly durable sinks. The Deco model from Cosmos SurfacesTM is a stylish and heavy-duty option for modern kitchens.

Deco - Stainless Steel Sink

Cosmos SurfacesTM is proud to supply homeowners and industry professionals with several different types of stainless steel sinks, including zero- and small-radius sinks. If you are ready to find the ideal sink for your project, browse our inventory or reach out to us for expert assistance.

Color of the Month: Mosaic Blue

This month’s featured trending color is Pantone 18-4528, Mosaic Blue! The Pantone Color Trend Report says, “The teal Mosaic Blue displays an air of mystique, grace and depth of feeling.”

Audax is a type of schist that is dynamically layered and one-of-a-kind. The layers create fluid bands of brown, black, silver, and white that is stunningly complex and pleasing to the eye. A work of art, Audax looks beautiful in kitchens and bathrooms. The long bands of layers can be installed as floors and countertops.

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